Monday, March 21, 2005

Sea Lion 4

The Sea Lion loved his rock, and he even loved waiting night after night for the sea breezes that might come. Especially he loved the dreams those memories would stir. But as you will know, even the best of dreams cannot go on, and in the morning when the sea lion woke, he was still in the barren lands. Sometimes he would close his eyes and try to fall back asleep. It never seemed to work, for the sun was always very bright.

Eventually, it became too much for him to bear. He began to visit his rock only on occassion. "I have to much to do," he told himself. "I cannot waste my time just idling about." He really did not have so much to do. The truth of it was, waking so far from home was such a disappointment, he did not want to have those wonderful dreams anymore. The day finally came when he stopped going to his rock altogether, and he no longer lifted his nose to the wind when the sea breezes blew.

Journey of Desire, John Eldridge

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" are a daughter of Kings!" (Aragorn to Eowyn in LOTR2)

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I'm a Christian who loves Christ with all her heart. I love to laugh, I love to cry (sometimes), I love to feel deeply. I want the road bendy & the windows rolled down. I want all the wick & wax gone. I want to live with reckless abandon. I want to have deep, authentic intimacy with others. My hope and prayer is that I will effect & be effected. This journey is my own!