Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Sea Lion 6

It was in May that the winds began to blow. The sea lion had grown used to wind, and at first he did not pay much heed at all. Years of desert life had taught him to turn his back in the direction from which the wind came and cover his eyes with his flippers, so that the dust would not get in. Eventually, the winds would always pass.

But not this time. Day and night it came, howling across the barren lands. There was nothing to stop its fury, nothing to even slow it down. For forty days and forty nights the wind blew. And then, just as suddenly as it had begun, it stopped. The sea lion lifted himself to have a look around. He could hardly believe his eyes.

Every single leaf had been stripped from his tree. The branches that remained, with only a twig or two upon them, looked like an old scarecrow. And I do not need to tell you that there was no longer any shade in which to hide. But worse than this,much worse indeed, was what the sea lion saw next. The water hole was completely dry.

Journey of Desire, John Eldridge

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" are a daughter of Kings!" (Aragorn to Eowyn in LOTR2)

" are a daughter of Kings!" (Aragorn to Eowyn in LOTR2)

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I'm a Christian who loves Christ with all her heart. I love to laugh, I love to cry (sometimes), I love to feel deeply. I want the road bendy & the windows rolled down. I want all the wick & wax gone. I want to live with reckless abandon. I want to have deep, authentic intimacy with others. My hope and prayer is that I will effect & be effected. This journey is my own!