Monday, October 24, 2005

Gift Come Christmas...A Work in Progress Pt. 1

There is a good chance that this will not be the title of this story since my mind has recently taken a turn in the plot. When I right I usually just have an idea whether it be a title or what have you and not until I'm actually pounding away at the keys does the story begin to unfold before my eyes. Literally as you are reading it for the first time, when I'm typing it, I'm actually in a way reading it for the first time. I have no idea where my stories will go, and I'm always excited when a new idea pops into my head. This is the first time I've ever placed an unfinished work on my blog or ever shared any unfinished work with anyone, but this is a progress, and for those few dear souls who actually still read my Writer's Corner a way to share a work in progress. I will deliver this to you in stages, and please let me know any feedback that you might have. This will allow me to have my Writer's Corner updated on a somewhat regular basis again and hopefully drive me to do some more creative please enjoy the opening of this story...

Clippity-clap! Clippity-clap! Clippity-clap! The little wooden toy danced in Sue Ann's tiny hands. Up down back and forth, she moved the sanded pieces of wood through her pudgy fingers with little thought or effort. Her little eyes were concentrating hard on the slender woman whose lap her bottom sat firmly on. She sat like a statue, except for her moving hand, barely breathing, only shallow short breaths taken from the top of the lungs in out in out, controlled and precise.

Mary pinned the last lock of thick brown curls into place. She took pride in her curly locks. When she was a child her Mother literally had to pry the brush from her hands. She had carried this sense of perfection with her into adulthood. She placed the last finishing touches, a strip of lavender, in her hair with her long slender fingers. She looked back through the mirror at the reflection of the woman there. The light clean sent of lavender permeated from it's resting place amongst the brown locks. The purple buds brought out the tiny purple pattern hidden in her dress. Her Mother made this dress when her and Chris were married. She gently traced the lace on the collar with her fingertips. Tears glistened in her eyes. Her eyes shifted down at the small child sitting in her lap. She would have forgotten she was even there if it weren't for the clippity-clap that the small toy made.

She smiled at the tiny tot and ran her fingers through her silken blonde hair. Her thoughts lie elsewhere. Her nerves stood on edge. The anxiety and excitement hung on her as thick fog hugs the ground in the wee hours of the morning. She was waiting for Chris to come home. She grabbed the young girl at her waist and hoisted her down to the ground, straightening up she touched her stomach slightly as she moved from the mirror. As she reached the door of the bedroom she turned around reaching for the child, "Come on Sue Ann, we'll go in the kitchen and you can help me ice the cake." Sue Ann's chubby hands came together in applause as her little legs ran to Mary's side the little wooden toy forgotten on the floor as the woman and child headed into the kitchen.

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" are a daughter of Kings!" (Aragorn to Eowyn in LOTR2)

" are a daughter of Kings!" (Aragorn to Eowyn in LOTR2)

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I'm a Christian who loves Christ with all her heart. I love to laugh, I love to cry (sometimes), I love to feel deeply. I want the road bendy & the windows rolled down. I want all the wick & wax gone. I want to live with reckless abandon. I want to have deep, authentic intimacy with others. My hope and prayer is that I will effect & be effected. This journey is my own!