Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Gift Come Christmas Pt. 3

Bellies full, dishes washed and put away, Sue Ann lay like a knotted pretzel on the end of the couch dreaming about sugar plumb fairies and far distant lands. Mary sat in the hand carved rocking chair her Father made for her as a wedding present knitting a new sweater for Sue Ann. Chris had gotten more wood for the fire to cut the chill of this brisk March evening, and was now placing it in a precarious pattern for optimum burning capabilities. Stepping back a smile crossed his lips. Mary hid a grin behind her knitting. It always tickled her at the satisfaction Chris gained from building what he deemed to be the “most perfect fires in hero township.” A flutter rose from her belly at the thought of the conversation she was to have with Chris this evening. She didn’t realize his gaze shifting from the fire to her. “So, are you going to tell me what is going on sometime tonight?” Being drug out of a dream for the second time today Mary looked at her husband with a bewildered expression across her face. “What?” “I said are you going to tell me what’s the matter?” “Mary you cannot fool me, I knew the minute I walked through the door that something was wrong. I read it all over your face.” He looked at her with such yearning she began to tear up and had to turn away from his intense gaze. She took several moments, closing her eyes trying to block out the penetrating concern in those beautiful green eyes. He never once stopped looking at her. Feeling the walls begin to close in on her she rose from her rocking chair, placed the knitting in the basket next to the rocker, and without a second look at her husband said, “I need to get some air!”

The soft swish of her dress was all that was heard as Mary walked to the door and then out of it. Chris stood dumfounded. What was going on with that girl? He looked over at Sue Ann still knotted up like a pretzel. He gently stroked her blonde locks and straightened out her crooked arms. She stirred slightly and he held his breath. When he was satisfied that the sugar plumb fairies were still dancing in her head he pulled the hand made quilt over her shoulders and gave her a kiss on her cheek. A half dream smile spread across her face. With one last look at Sue Ann Chris headed for the door and out in the cool March evening to find his wife.

Mary was taking sweet draws of fresh air and feeling much better in the coolness of the evening. She hadn’t even realized that Chris had walked up behind her until she felt the warmth of his familiar touch. She turned into him wiping her spilled tears on his flannel vest. She breathed deep of the soft pine sent that she loved so much about him. She steadied herself for several moments in the protection of his strong arms before she ever gained the courage to look at him face to face. The deep concern was etched in every curve of Chris’s face and demeanor. She knew that his heart was ripping into over her pain, and the only way she new how to relieve the bubbling pressure rising in her was to spill it out fast and quick, like a pressure cooker releasing its steam. “I’m pregnant,” she puffed out quiet and quick. The tears welled up in her eyes again, spilling over; she didn’t bother wiping them away this time.

Chris stumbled back from the impact of emotion that hit him directly in the gut from those two words. He was paralyzed for a long moment unable to speak, even unable to breathe, thoughts buzzing so thick in his head he thought his mind would explode, he was scared, elated, full of joy, full of worry, full of peace, all at once. Oh God, why now when I’m struggling to provide for the three of us! He quickly regretted even thinking the thought, Mary always saw him as so strong, having such a handle on things, and most times that was true. But as of late he had to try hard to hide the worry and doubt that rose up in him, he prayed, and fought with God for hours over his anguish, and now this, it was just too much. How God, just tell me how I’m supposed to provide for another mouth? I know that you said you would meet every need, but my humanness has crept in to my being, and I feel out of control. I believe in Your Providing Hand, help my unbelief. Lost in his own thoughts he had forgotten where he was in that moment and that Mary was still outside looking deeply at him waiting for a response, reassurance, and comfort. He looked at his wife’s beautiful face and saw the fear and resignation. She thought he was displeased, but that wasn’t it at all. He was overjoyed at a life that God chose to create, but he was worried and he knew it showed, he had never been able to hide anything from her completely. “Your upset,” she said half brokenly. “No. No. Darling I’m thrilled this is wonderful news.” He scooped her up in his arms twirling her around, covering her face with soft kisses. “But, how are we going to afford another mouth, how can this work, Chris I have been going over and over this all week and I don’t see a way.”

“God will provide a way Mary, He saw fit to create this life within you, and he is going to see fit that we have a way to meet all of this little ones needs. Now don’t you go filling your head with worry My Little Lass, all things work for His good.”

“How can you be sure of that?”

“I just know my love.”

Chris felt the color return to his face and the steadiness to his hands, through his comfort to Mary, he had gained comfort for himself. He did feel that God was in control and that his worry was futile and would only gray him far beyond his years. Thank you God for your peace, your direction, and your guidance. You are truly far wiser than I ever will be. I praise Your Holy Name for my beautiful wife Mary, for giving us little Sue Ann, and for blessing us with a new child of our own that you have so gently placed in our lives at the most perfect time. After all my time is not my own, but Yours. I love you. I love you. I love you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Melissa honey, this story is just wonderful, as is all of your writings. I'm looking forward to Christmas!

" are a daughter of Kings!" (Aragorn to Eowyn in LOTR2)

" are a daughter of Kings!" (Aragorn to Eowyn in LOTR2)

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I'm a Christian who loves Christ with all her heart. I love to laugh, I love to cry (sometimes), I love to feel deeply. I want the road bendy & the windows rolled down. I want all the wick & wax gone. I want to live with reckless abandon. I want to have deep, authentic intimacy with others. My hope and prayer is that I will effect & be effected. This journey is my own!